Monday, September 22, 2008


You would think that creating a blog and giving it a name would be easy. It is, actually. Unless you want to customize it. In the event that you actually want your blog to look unique, you have to pretty much learn HTML and go through hours of painstaking attention to detail, along with quite a bit of trial and error, to get it almost close to what you had initially wanted. So here we are. I hope you like my tree. If you don't, lie.

You'd also think it would be easy to get the URL that you want for your blog. For example, if you call your blog "The Mind of Brian," it would be great if the site address was "" But of course that name has to be taken. And who took it? Our friend Brian over at Head on over and check it out. Leave a comment, even. While you're at it, check out Another winner.

So here we are. Thanks to my good friend Glenn, I happen to have a nickname that, when applied to blogger URL, happens to not be taken. Who knew? Gotta love nicknames. My nickname happens to be a ingenious combination of the first letter of my first name, and the first two letters of my last name.

Glenn, I salute you.


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