Monday, September 29, 2008


I spent the majority of last week at camp, which meant I had a lot of time to myself. What struck me while I was there is how quickly the seasons are changing. It was pretty cold there for a few days, it almost seemed unnatural, or maybe just abrupt. It reminded me of how quickly life changes. 

I was feeling a bit nostalgic there by myself. It finally hit me that summer is over. The kids are gone, the staff are gone, the people and things that make camp "camp" are gone. And a new season is being ushered in...retreat season. Quite different than summer camp season. But great in its own way. 

I love Fall. Its probably my favorite season. I guess it reminds me that things have to die to be made new again, and sometimes there's beauty in the dying. 

*photo courtesy of Megan Cates, a "baller" photographer. 


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